Sõime, jõime, tegime kukeseene jalutuse ja aitasime naaber paatkonda, kellel söögiga oli kitsas ja olid tulnud Naissaarele kõva saju eest peitu.
Kui teised hommikul magasid, siis ma lasin ühe 10km jalutuse ka.
Leidsin kiriku, külasadama, sõjarajatisi, eriti kultuurseid mustikaid ja seeni.
Pmst tegemist on vaese inimese paradiisiga.
In the morning i took Bombora for a walk and then sailed to Naissaare island (not with Bombora).
We ate, drank, made a mushroom walk (in the woods to collect them), helped neighbours who had little food and came to Naissaare not to get heavy rain.
In the morning when others were sleeping I made a 10km walk. I found the church, village port, old military objects, big blueberries and more mushrooms.
Poor mans paradise.

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