Bombora on ikka müügis ja käisime onu Frankiga teda lahel proovimas. Diili ei teinud, aga tore purjetamine oli ikkagi.
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Frank |
Again a few things to talk about. Bombora is still for sale so we went for a test drive with Frank. We did not make a deal but it was a great sail anyway.
Siis käisime üks hommik tõime Haapsalust autopiloodi Fridale. Mine hulluks, kui palju see aitab kui soolona sõidad. Raymarine ST2000 variant. Panin ajutiselt paika hetkel, käisime testimas.
Saab ikka rahulikul pelleris käia ja süüa teha ja purjeid sättida jne. Tänks a miljon.
Lisaks oli paati pugenud kung-fu-panda noorem vend.
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Autopilot |
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Kung-Fu Panda vend / Brother of Kung-fu Panda |
The other day we went ot Haapsalu to get an autopilot for Frida. It is a very helpful device if you sail solo. Raymarine ST2000. Made a temporary installation and went testing. You can easily go to toilet, cook, adjust the sails etc.
In additiona the brother of Kung Fu Panda had come on board.

Võin vabalt selle oma oskamatuse alla panna, aga me jäime kinni. Ikka hästi jäime kinni. Vesi oli madal, parkisime poile ära ja juba kolksus natuke. Logi läks lolliks ka ja näitas aiateibaid. Lennusadama naaber oli ka platsis ja pidi kohe kohe oma Albin Vegaga startima, et me tema asemel kai äärde saaksime. Hakkasime liikuma ja liikumine läks raskemaks. Nemad sikutasid ja Frida lükkas.
Saime 10m edasi, aga siis läks asi hullemaks. Appi tõttas kõrval olnud kalamees, kes tõi meie poi konksu ära ja tuli siis meid nügima. Ajasime paadi kreeni ja sikutasime ja nügisime ja jõnksutasime rooliga, saime veel edasi natuke.
Appi tuli sadamakapten ATV-ga, lisaks tuli veel paar meest ei tea kust. Kolm meest kallutasid, kaks meest lükkasid, laps oli roolis, naaber purjekaga ka sikutas. Asi sarnanes juba hirmsasti korralikult filmile. Lisaks saabus Vesta graafiku järgselt.
Pärast pikemaid ponnistusi ja kallutamist olime peaaegu vabad. Viimase lükke pani meile stari laine, mis ka saabus ja vett loksutas korralikult. Hüppasin paati, võtsin lapse käest pinni ja vabad me olime.
Õnnetul kombel pudenes üks appi tulnud mees üle parda tagurpidi. Tegemist oli vana mereväelasega, kes osavalt päästis oma plätu ja keeldus paati tulemast vaid ujus kaldale hoopis.
Päästsime otsad päästjate küljest lahti, andsin mõned õlled kaasa neile ja läksime laiali. Aitähh
Kuna Aegnal vett polnud meile olemiseks, siis võtsime suuna Prangli poole...aga sellest järgmine kord.
Teie minge ikkagi purjetama vahepeal.
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Vesta |
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Viimased abistajad /last helpers leaving |
Next day we had a sail plan to Aegna island. Unfortunately it was not the best of ideas. Morning started peacefully, half an hour motoring then came the wind. It can be my lack of experience but we got stuck. Water was a bit low and we parked ourselves on the buoy. We heard a clonk (against the rock probably). Depth sensor lost his mind and showd something else the depht. Our harbour neighbour was also there and we agreed to take his place (he was leaving).
We started moving and moving go worse. Attached the other boat to Frida to help pull it. We moved about 10m and then it got even harder.
Local fisher came to help us with his dinghy. We tried to heel the boat, pushed the boat, pulled, turned the tiller etc. and got a bit futher again.
Additional help came with the ATV of the harbour captain. Out of nowhere came two guys to heel the boat. Three guys were tilting the boat, son was holding the tiller, I with the captain were pushing the boat, Albin Vega was pulling us....almost free. In came the passenger vessel Vesta, they waited. At the last moment big ships wave came and cave the last lift we needed. I jumped on board, took the tiller from my son and we were free.
Unfortunately a helping hand fell in water. Beeing a previous marine he refused to come on board again and swam to the shore (saving his flippers also).
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Naabrimees / Neighbour |
I cave some beers to the last helpers leaving our boat and took the direction to Prangli island.
About our Prangli trip next time....
And you should go sailing meanwhile.
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