Sunday, June 7, 2015

Aegna vol.2

Koht:Aegna saar/Aegna island
Aeg/tuul: 05.06.2015
Ilm/weather: Päike/sunny, tuul/wind 8-10m/s

Käisime lastega Aegnal. Täitsa niisama jälle. Alustuselks rehvisin groodi juba kodus ära. Palju parem tuli kui eelmine kord. Aga tuul tõusis ja poole lahe peal korjasin groodi üldse maha. Ei viitsinud mässata teise rehviga, kuna polnud ette valmistatud. Nii et edasi (ja tagasi ) sõitsime väiksme genuaga. Kiirust oli sellest hoolimata enamus aega 6+sõļme.

Sõitsin minnes Pirita poole ja siis kalda äärt mööda Aegnani. Aegnal püüdsid kohalikud kalu sadamas. Tuldi ka kenasti uurima, kauaks jääme. Nimelt pidi mõne tunni pärast Vesta tulema (liinilaev - Kuna me ainult 2h plaanisime olla siis jõudsime enne minema. Saarel käisime Põhja randa ja kaarega läbi metsa sadamasse tagasi. Tegime ühed supid ja kodu poole.

Tagasitulek oli paras pesumasin. Tuul oli 8-10m/s ennustuse järgi. Laine kastis ka aeg-ajalt. Lastel oli lõbus - nagu lõbustuspargis. Sidusin pinni kinni vahepeal ja istusin sprayhoodi varjus ja pildistasin ka. Tuul ja laine olid sellise nurga all et laevatee ületus ei läinud päris risti. Aga ühtegi suurt ei paistnud ka. Enne sadamat oli sekja taga Katharina (, kes viisakalt ootas kuni ma purje maha sain ja siis paremalt mööda läks. Aitähh. Suundusime mõlemad Lennusadamasse.
Sildumine läks nihu esimene kord. Tuul oli paremalt ja kõvasti. Lükkas nina enne ära kui ma poi otsa kinni sain. Tagurpidi tagasi ja teise ringi tulin hooga. Sain konksu kinni ja jooksin ette, elegantne hüpe ja püüdsin paadi kinni. See polnud küll kõige ilusam maandumine, aga sellistel oludes paremat ei tulnud. Ja nüüd lõppu terve rida pilte ja üks video, mis on vana telefoniga tehtud ja kvaliteedilt polnud kõige parem. Aga see on mu esimene:

Aegna Sadam/Aegna port
We went to Aegna isalnd again. This time with kids. I reefed the mainsail in the harbour. I was a lot better this time. Since the wind got stronger I took it down in the middle of the bay. Most of the journey was with smaller jib. Did not want to mess with the secound reef because I had not prepared it. Most of the time the speed that was reached was 6+knots.

We sailed from the harbour straight towards Pirita, turned left and straight to Aegna. Local people were fishing in the harbour. One of the local came to ask how long we will be staying. In about 2 hours time Vesta (local liner On the island we walked to the north beach and through the wood back again.

Coming back was quite a washing machine. Wind was according to the forecast 8-10m/s. The waves spraied over the boat from time to time. Kids had fun. Like rollercoasters. At some point I tied the tiller and sat behind the sparyhood and took pictures for you. Crossing the shiplane was not at 90 degrees due to the wind and wave. I did not see any bigger ships who might have been desturbed by us.
Coming in to our homeport was nice. Behind us was Katharina ( who nicely waited until we got the sails down and then passed us from the right. Thank you. We both went to seaplane harbour.
Mooring did not got that well. The strong wind was from the right side and pushed me away before I got the mooring hook to the buoy. Reveresed and came the secound time with more speed.
Hook attached, run in front, jumped and catched the boat. It was not the prettiest landing that I had done but it was the best I could in these conditions.
And now some pictures and my first ever video (made with my old phone, so the quality is not the best one).

Poid/mooring buoys
Põhja rand/North beach
Vahest lähevad asjad viltu
Kiosk toredate inimestega/Booth with nice people
Kodu paistab/we can see home

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