Purjekas FriDa komplektmeeskond soovib värvilist uut aastat.
Sailboat FriDa wishes a happy new year.
Üks pilt ka, mis Teakita kunagi tegi.
One picture also that was taken by Teakita.
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Saturday, December 26, 2015
Koristamine / cleaning up
Sunday, November 29, 2015
Niisama ilusaid pilte / nice pictures about sailing
Jõudsid kohale välismaa pildid Bombora toomisest.
Östhammari sadama pildid seekord.
Arrived some pictures from friends in Sweden.
From times when we sailed Bombora to Estonia.
Östhammari sadama pildid seekord.
Arrived some pictures from friends in Sweden.
From times when we sailed Bombora to Estonia.
Sunday, November 15, 2015
Esimese hooaja lõpp / end of season 1

Eile tõstsime purjekad välja. Enne tegin lahe peal vanaisadega ühe tiiru ka (koos supiga).
Kas te ikka teate, et pärast jaheda ilmaga sõitu on supil teine maitse kui soojas korteris?
Koos meiega siblisid kaldale ka Tupsu ja Bombora.
Ma võtsin masti ka maha. Mast tuli kallale natuke. Läks tasakaalust ära ja kui ma tema maandumist pidurdasin, siis sai üks sõrm vähe põrudada. Puruks pole.
Põhjus ja järeldus on minu kapsaias. Ei jaganud piisavalt selgelt korraldust, et masti alt otsast kõvemini hoida.
Siis tuli välja Tupsu. Oluliste viperusteta.
Bombora pidi natukse ootama, sest Tallink tuli sadamasse ja see teeb Lennusadamas ägedaid laineid.
No stress. Tuli ka tema välja.
Kui nüüd kuidagi kokku võtta, siis jube vahva on olnud.
Ümber on lükatud müüdid, et see on keeruline, kallis ja ohtlik, paha jne. Tuleb välja, et kõik on võimalik, küsimus on tahtmises ja valikutes.
Sõitsime kokku natukse alla 1000miili ilmselt. Täpset arvet ei pidanud, sest see tegelt ei loe.
Käidud sai Soomes, tuldud sai Rootsist, kinni sai oldud Aegnal, käidud sai Pranglil ja Naissaarel.
Ankurdamine on ka proovitud.
(õnneks) Ei tulnud kedagi kedagi päästa peale ühe kanistri ja paari jämedama toika.
Sai pandud purjetama veel vähemalt üks maarott ja nii mõnelegi põlevate silmadega seletatud, et purjetamine on täiesti normaalne ja jõukohane tegevus täiesti keskmisele eestlasele.
Sai tehtud rõõmsaks vähemalt mitu inimest neid purjetama vedades.
Pandud külge käsi seal, kus tundus koht selleks olevat.

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Bombora |
Siinkohal tänan kõiki, kes on innustanud, toetanud, kanntanud ja mõnikord ka kahelnud.
Sailboat FriDa has finished her first season with us. Yesterday we lifted her out for the winter.
Before the lifting we went for a short sail on the bay with grandfathers (including soup for lunch).
Did you know that soup taste if different after cold sailing day then sitting in your appartment?
With us we lifted out also Tupsu and Bombora.
We took down the mast also. Unfortunately the mast went out of balance and tilted the wrong way. If catched it but my finger got hurt a little (nothing broken luckly). Reason is that is did not explain clearly that the end of mast must be held strongly.
S/Y Tupsu came out with out problems.
Bombora had to make a little circle because big passenger vessel came to the port next door and it creates waves to Seaplane harbour.
It has been very fun if I would have to summarize the season somehow. We have busted myths that sailing is very expencive, complicated, scary etc. It comes out that everything is possible. The question is about wanting something and choices in life.
We sailing little under 1000miles i think. We did not count very strickly, because it does not matter.
We sailed to Finland, sailed home from Sweden, visited local islands, were stuck. Learned how to anchor.
Atleast a few persons have left more happy after sailing with us.
Helped people where we saw it possible.
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Bombora |
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Tupsu |
Longer stories about our sailing adventures most likely will start somewhere in spring 2016.
I would like to thank everyone who have supported, inspired me and also those who have doubted me.
Sunday, November 8, 2015
Veel natuke purjetamist / even more sailing

Ikkagi tegime ühe ringi lahe peal.
Algus oli keskmine turistikas, aga lõpus keris tuult üles. Lõpuks oli külg vees ja silmad punnis :D
Vahepeale tegime ühe supitirina ka. Elu oli jälle rosin.
Üldiselt hakkame seda hooaega kokku tõmbama. Mitte et purjetada enam ei saaks vaid ma pean maja ehitusele rõhku panema.
Laup/pühap tõstame kaldale, Puki panin juba valmis sadamasse.
Our boat is still in the water. Even though the weather is going rough.
We went for a little sail on the bay.
Start was nice and calm. The end was a bit faster (wind speed rose to 10 m/s).
At some point we ate hot soup and life had a meaning again.
Looking ahead we are starting to close the season. Not that the weather is bad but i must focus on building the house.
Next weekend we will lift the boat out.
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Muuseum tõstis eesriide / Seaplane museum lifted the curtains |

Friday, October 30, 2015
Prangli ja sügisene Lennusadam / Prangli island and autumn at Seaplane harbour

Ilm oli tublisti sügisene.
Riisusime lehti, vahtisime luiki, saunas käisime ka ilusti ära.
Tuult oli juba paar päeva kõvemini lõõtsutanud ja käisin sadamas paati üle vaatamas.
Sättisin enda oma natuke ja tuli veel kolme teist paati siduda.
Ühele sidusin ühe lisaotsa, kuna muidu oleks ta varsti üldse jalutama läinud. Ja siis saatsin sadama omadele ka kirja, et omanikud oma paadid üle vahiks.
Ma ei hakka rääkimagi, et üks pruun mootorpaat käib siiani ahtriga poomi.
We went to island Prangli with Wrangö. Repair work at the church was finished and most of the people were also gone from the island. The wheater was an average autumn one.
We raked some leaves, staired at some birds and went to sauna.
Stronger winds had been blowing for some days already. After coming back from Prangli i went to harbour to check the boat. I adjusted mine and three others. One of them required new line. Otherwise in a few day it would have not been in the harbour.
Informed the harbour staff also.
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Prangli kirik / Church in Prangli |
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Kelnase |
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Nohikud /nerds |
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Laiskloom / lazy animal |
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Wrangö |
Friday, October 23, 2015
Sügisesed purjetamised / Autumn sailing
On vahepeal mõned pisemad purjetamised tehtud lahe peal. Küll ilusama, küll tuulisema ilmaga.
Hooaega hakkame lõpetama oktoobri lõpuga ilmselt.
Some shorter sailing has happened to us. Some with nicer weather, some with more wind.
Season will be closed for me somewhere in the end of October.

Hooaega hakkame lõpetama oktoobri lõpuga ilmselt.
Some shorter sailing has happened to us. Some with nicer weather, some with more wind.
Season will be closed for me somewhere in the end of October.

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Väga viltu purjekas mootoriga / Tilted sailboat while motoring. |
Monday, October 5, 2015
Bombora uus omanik ja lahe tiir
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New owner |
Uus omanik sai kaasa rea õpetussõnu, nii et Eesti sai uue mere haige juurde.
Ja kuna pool päeva oli siis veel vaba, siis käisime niisama tiirul Fridaga.

Saturday, September 26, 2015
Peipsi /lake Peipus (Estonia)
Juhtus teise ürituse raames Peipsi äärde, et sealse veeeluga tutvuda. Näidati natuke piirivalve tehnikat ja nägin kuidas kohalik kalapüük käib. Hõljukit ei pildistanud, käed värisesid erutusest liiga palju.
Paat tõmmati ühes kohas trakotriga vette.
Muidu oli ilus veekogu, liivarand ja puha. Kes tahab veel ilusaid Eestimaa kohtasid teada, siis küsib onu Taavi käest :).
During one other event I had a possibility to visit lake Peipus and surroundings there.
I saw some equipment of the Borderguards and how fishing is done there. Boat was pulled in the water with tractor. Who wants to see other cool places in Estonia, will contact uncle Taavi :)

Paat tõmmati ühes kohas trakotriga vette.
Muidu oli ilus veekogu, liivarand ja puha. Kes tahab veel ilusaid Eestimaa kohtasid teada, siis küsib onu Taavi käest :).
During one other event I had a possibility to visit lake Peipus and surroundings there.
I saw some equipment of the Borderguards and how fishing is done there. Boat was pulled in the water with tractor. Who wants to see other cool places in Estonia, will contact uncle Taavi :)
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Ehalkivi |
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Süvendaja /dreger |

Friday, September 11, 2015
Üks udune värk / one foggy day
Oli paar tunnikest vaba hetke ja ilm oli ka kõrvalukustavalt ilus.
Sadamas paistis, et on natuke udune, aga kaugele polnud plaanis minna (käisin Bomboraga).
No ja niikui ma nina välja pistsin, tõmmati müts pähe, ikka sügavalt pähe. Mitte midagi ei näinud, keerasin nosu kodu poole ja põristasin tagasi.
Vahepeal korjasin ühe suurte poiste vendri üles. Eelduste kohaselt Michelle oma. Sidusin kai peale selle vendri, küll omanik üles leiab.
Had a few hours of free time and the wheater was also nice.
In the port I saw some fog, still decided to go out for a little (went with Bombora).
At the moment I put my nose out of the pool a had was pulled deep over my eyes. Visibility was 0.
Turned around and came back in.
In the middle of that picked up a fender for a bigger boat (probably Michelle). Tied it to a post near the bigger boats.

Sadamas paistis, et on natuke udune, aga kaugele polnud plaanis minna (käisin Bomboraga).
No ja niikui ma nina välja pistsin, tõmmati müts pähe, ikka sügavalt pähe. Mitte midagi ei näinud, keerasin nosu kodu poole ja põristasin tagasi.
Vahepeal korjasin ühe suurte poiste vendri üles. Eelduste kohaselt Michelle oma. Sidusin kai peale selle vendri, küll omanik üles leiab.
Had a few hours of free time and the wheater was also nice.
In the port I saw some fog, still decided to go out for a little (went with Bombora).
At the moment I put my nose out of the pool a had was pulled deep over my eyes. Visibility was 0.
Turned around and came back in.
In the middle of that picked up a fender for a bigger boat (probably Michelle). Tied it to a post near the bigger boats.

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"väike" vender /"small" fender |

Wednesday, September 9, 2015
2 korda päeva / 2 times in a day

Üks vara hommikul ja teine hilja õhtul. Siis saab ennast jälle inimesena tunda.
Tuult oli umbes 5-6m/s. Paat liikus mõnusalt. Vahepeal tuunisin paati. Tõmbasin sprayhoodi pingulemalele.
Normal dose of sailing seems to be atleast two times in a day.
First early in the morning, secound late in the evening. After that you can feel yourself as a human again.
Wind was 5-6m/s. Boat moved nicely. Tightened the sprayhood at some point.

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